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Acne scar resurfacing

After finally clearing up their skin, many of our patients are disappointed to learn that their acne has left behind a permanent reminder of its existence, in the form of unsightly scars. Though topical lotions and creams won’t do much for these marks, acne scar resurfacing at The Roxbury Institute can help to improve their appearance and restore a smoother complexion.

What is acne scar resurfacing?

Acne scar resurfacing involves using a powerful laser to remove the outer layers of your skin where the acne scars exist, to reveal a fresh and undamaged complexion underneath. In addition to helping to reduce your acne scars, this treatment can also improve the overall texture of your skin and restore a youthful and vibrant glow.

Is acne scar resurfacing right for you?

Although acne scar resurfacing is an incredibly effective treatment, it’s not ideal for every Beverly Hills patient. For example, if you possess certain characteristics, such as a very dark complexion, it may increase the likelihood of unwanted side effects. In these cases, we may recommend an alternative approach that can treat your scars, while still protecting your healthy skin.

In general, the ideal candidate for acne scar resurfacing is an individual with a lighter complexion and elastic skin. You should also be in good general health and without a tendency to scar easily after a minor injury. As long as you meet these general qualifications, there’s a very strong chance that our dermatologic surgeons at The Roxbury Institute can use acne scar resurfacing to improve the appearance of your skin.

Woman Laying Down in Gold Leaves

What to expect during acne scar resurfacing

Your acne scar resurfacing procedure will be performed entirely in one of our soothing treatment rooms at The Roxbury Institute. We will begin by administering a local anesthetic to ensure your comfort throughout the experience. From there, we’ll hold a special laser over the treatment area, meticulously targeting and removing the outer layers of your skin.

Once the actual procedure is complete, you will begin the recovery period. This is a critical part of the process, because it’s when fresh skin grows in to reveal your new and improved complexion. As such, you’ll be provided with detailed instructions on how to care for your skin during this time to ensure optimal results. The length of your recovery period will depend on the laser we used, the severity of your acne scarring and the invasiveness of your treatment. During your initial consultation, we will review all of these factors with you, so you know exactly what to expect. With that said, most patients will require a recovery period of a couple of days to several weeks, during which time the skin may appear pink, red and irritated as it heals.

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