The Roxbury approach to eyelid surgery
In performing eyelid surgery for our Beverly Hills patients, we want to rejuvenate your appearance while maintaining your natural beauty. To that end, we operate with a very conservative approach. When surgeons are too aggressive during these delicate procedures, you could end up with hollow areas around your eyes, a pulled back appearance or a completely different eye shape. Our “less is more” philosophy prevents these complications from occurring, and ensures that you’re happy with your final results.
In addition, we will always be completely honest with you about the procedures you need to refresh your appearance. In some cases, eyelid surgery is all that’s needed to restore a more youthful expression. In others, however, you may also need a brow lift or another complementary procedure to achieve the precise results you want. At The Roxbury Institute, we believe in truly comprehensive and customized care, and you can be assured that we’ll be upfront with you regarding which treatments you need and which ones are not in your best interest.